Applied Biomechanics for Coaches and Clinicians (ABCs)
The ability to use and interpret biomechanical analysis in athlete profiling, performance development and rehabilitation is an increasingly valuable and sought after skill for coaches and clinicians alike. Dr. Enda King and Dr. Chris Richter share their expertise and experience in an applied setting to help you incorporate biomechanics into your practice to optimise outcomes with your athletes.
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Biomechanics is everywhere!!!
This course will introduce you to all the key concepts in biomechanics, clarify the terminology and methodology used to generate biomechanical data and will provide you a system and structure to interpret force plate and motion capture data.
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What makes us different
Read. Watch. Learn. Improve.
Biomechanical Principles and Terminology
How to systematically interpret force plate and kinetic and kinematic analysis
How Biomechanical data is generated
How to interpret biomechanical research which may influence your practice
How to carry out accurate force plate and motion capture testing
What future directions biomechanics and motion capture may take to best prepare yourself professionally
Dr. Enda King
Enda King PhD MSc ASCC combines his roles as a sports physiotherapist, strength and conditioning coach, researcher, and educator through his work with individual athletes and elite teams across a spectrum of sports and disciplines. His PhD was in the use of 3D biomechanical analysis after ACL reconstruction and he incorporates biomechanical analysis and interpretation into his performance development and rehabilitation programs with elite athletes on a daily basis in his role as Head of Elite Performance and Development with Aspetar, Qatar.
He has authored over 40 scientific papers and book chapters on rehabilitation and athletic performance with a strong focus on the role of biomechanical analysis in rehabilitation and performance in particular in relation to ACL and Athletic Groin Pain. He has consulted for elite teams and organisations worldwide on rehabilitation strategies and incorporating biomechanical analysis into their care pathways.
He has authored over 40 scientific papers and book chapters on rehabilitation and athletic performance with a strong focus on the role of biomechanical analysis in rehabilitation and performance in particular in relation to ACL and Athletic Groin Pain. He has consulted for elite teams and organisations worldwide on rehabilitation strategies and incorporating biomechanical analysis into their care pathways.
Dr. Chris Richter
Dr Chris Richter is a biomechanist with extensive experience in data science and technology. Chris has been capturing movement for more than 10 years and has worked with any motion capture technology available. Currently, he is working on developing and implementing a biomarker R&D strategy to fully utilize Kaia’s computer vision movement capture technology, which is used to guide remote rehabilitation.
Chris has contributed to / published 60+ papers and has been acting as reviewer for 15+ scientific journals. In addition to the scientific work, Chris has also tackled many questions in respect to movement analysis in professional sports for various NBA and Premier League teams.
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Both Chris and Enda are highly experienced in the collection and interpretation of biomechanical data across a range of tests and technologies in both injured and healthy athletic populations across sports. They have been involved in the testing of over 5000+ athletes and will share this experience with you throughout the course to highlight the main components of biomechanical analysis you need to be familiar with, factors to consider when testing your athletes and many of the common mistakes and pitfalls that are made when testing and interpreting biomechanical data.